+ How do I get started?

We would love to help you prepare for your financial future, and we’ve tried to make this process as simple and beneficial as possible! Fill out the contact form, and we will be in touch to set up a free consultation. We call it a consultation or consult, but really, it’s a chance for us to get to know one another and see if we’d like to work together.

+ What does a consult look like?

Our goal is for a consult to feel a lot like having coffee with a newfound friend. We will casually discuss your situation, goals, and plans as we get to know one another. As with a friend, openness and honesty are critical to the process. There is no judgment or condemnation. We promise not to use any confusing technical jargon, but if we do, please call us on it so we can correct it! At the end, you can decide if you’d like to pursue another conversation—and we’ll even pick up the tab for coffee. 😊

+ What do I bring to a consult?

The following items are helpful to bring to an initial consult. But like coffee with a friend, if you can’t find them or don’t have them, come anyway! The most important part is connecting with you.

  • Your Spouse! We encourage married people to both come to a consult so all parties can be operating from the same playbook and making decisions in unity.
  • Financial Account Statements (bank, brokerage, mortgage, retirement, and private)
  • Net Worth Statement
  • Life Insurance Declarations Page(s)
  • List of Debts (balances, interest rates, and minimum payments)
  • Budget/Monthly Income Needs
  • Social Security Benefit Statements

In gathering these items, please employ the five-minute rule—if you don’t have it or would have to search for it for more than five minutes, then don’t worry about it.

+ What happens then?

We take the information gathered in the consult and put together a proposal that is specific to you. We’ll have a second meeting to review that proposal, and then you can decide if you want to proceed or not. If you want to proceed, only then will there be a charge. Up until this moment, there is no cost. Once you’re ready to move forward, we will sign client agreements, open accounts, transfer assets, and begin the planning process together. We don’t give you an overwhelming 72-page binder with your plan but rather bite off the highest priority elements one at a time. We complete those items together and move down the line. At first, we’ll meet every few weeks, and then once the dust settles, we’ll move to quarterly in-person meetings and will always be open for any need that arises.

+ How is compensation structured?

We are a fee-only firm. This simply means we have organized our firm in such a way that our compensation isn’t influenced by our recommendations. We get paid directly by our clients to serve them—never by the products or solutions we offer them. This allows us to serve you and your best interests without being biased. And we are legally held to a fiduciary standard—meaning we have to act in your best interests. Period.

+ What can I expect in choosing you?

Our goal is to come alongside and lock arms with our clients as trusted advisors throughout their journey. We’re in this for the long haul and hope to serve you and your family for decades to come. Our proposal and solutions are unique to each client and based on their specific set of circumstances—we don’t do “one size fits all.” We want to educate you to the degree you want to be educated, and we value simplicity, connection, and joy in the little things. Above all, we hope all our interactions with you result in peace of mind for you and your family.